Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Something Simple...

When are we superheroes? When is summer the undefeatable horizon of daydreams mixed with play. When do we live forever, and big Mr. Death is laughed at...

A 'Speedpainting' challenge titled: Chinese Superhero

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Carving out the lower third.

I know I want the bottom section to encompass a spiral marketplace, situated around a body of water. I truly have no idea what will happen down there, but I hope to have a myriad of awnings, tent covers and stalls, trickling down toward where small passenger boats come and go... lots of colour and activity... and a few cats!

Here is the lower half's thumbnail:

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Alleyway - upper level layout.

Planning out the 3 canvases, I have laid out the upper portion of the image in a rough sketch... It wants to feel like you're craning your neck back, and staring straight up from the depth of the alley way... Here is the layout so far for the top canvas and how it will bleed into the mid. Note the sun blasted towers high above city...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Painting again... woot!

For the first time in a long time... I sat down at my computer and did not mindless surf the latest tech news. Nor did I play a game... I cranked up the Itunes, opened Photoshop and started doodling with my favorite brush Preset: Chalk 23, and inspired by Middle Eastern flavours began to paint this alley way...

Here is a close up of the little dude sitting in the window with his cat... I have a feeling there will be more than one feline by the time I am done.

The final project will span three canvases, and have the three prespectives of looking upward, outward (current piece) and downward, into a labrynthine marketplace around a pool of green sunlit water... I hope to hang them in our kitchen..

Monday, November 17, 2008

Walking Pyramid - Speed Painting Challenge.

At my place of work, a fellow employee: Gabriel Frizzera, a very talented artist, organizes 'Speed Painting' sessions, where he creates an evocative image with a few words, and challenges those taking part to 'Go Paint!'... here is what came out of my last session, entitled "Walking Pyramid"... This was done in Photoshop in about an hour's time.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Black Box Holiday Party Poster

I was tasked to paint a poster for my work's Christmas party... the theme was vintage Hollywood. Here is cropped version of the final image, meant to be emailed to the staff...inspired by the old RKO Pictures splash screens. It wasn't hard to fall in love with the era... :)

All work done in photoshop.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

'Approaching the Gap Ranger'

Large craft that fly in the forward ranks of the airborne fleets, capable of 'splitting' thunderheads, forcing 'clear air' in a path behind it... the 'Gap Ranger' or simply 'Cloud Burster' plys the morning light in the mid-bands of atmosphere known as the Mire Abyllic.