Wednesday, March 18, 2009

late nights... a second run.

Sometimes things just don't work. I have found that I am guilty of forging forward on a painting even if I know damn well there is something fundamentally flawed with it. In the end, this is never the way to go, but it's a hard pill to swallow to literally wipe your canvas clean and start over. But when the new direction works! It really makes it all worth it.

I decided the lower third of my 'Alleyway' image was just not working, flat and strange... wipe.. delete... re-paint. I hope the new version feels better...  Note, there are no details yet, but it will support a market street, with signs, life and colour... tune in for that update soon!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Chix and Cars and the 3rd World War!!!

Some random sketches from my commute home on the train... girls, guns, and gravity.