Wednesday, March 18, 2009

late nights... a second run.

Sometimes things just don't work. I have found that I am guilty of forging forward on a painting even if I know damn well there is something fundamentally flawed with it. In the end, this is never the way to go, but it's a hard pill to swallow to literally wipe your canvas clean and start over. But when the new direction works! It really makes it all worth it.

I decided the lower third of my 'Alleyway' image was just not working, flat and strange... wipe.. delete... re-paint. I hope the new version feels better...  Note, there are no details yet, but it will support a market street, with signs, life and colour... tune in for that update soon!


Tales from the Lou said...

God i really love your work and in particular this scene. It is captivating. I would love to have it on my wall to look at so i am quite envious of your kitchen. I must say that i was drawn to the circular pool and preferred it before you redid it but i guess that's just my preference. Keep up the good work.

HarshMellow said...

Thanks so much, Louise!

I love stories that can be told by just looking at a scene, letting your eye wander through the image, and picking up on the little notions and objects. I'd love to think that when I am done, someone could stand in front of the 3 canvases and just stare for a few minutes, spinning some crazy tale of what is going on.

thanks again!

Alanaseay said...

What's it gonna take to get you reinspired to finish this awesome painting??? We are all awaiting the end result! Come one Harshmellow....bring it!

Alanaseay said...

I have to say I really like the first version of the lower alley. It has the light that captures your attention and draws you in. Perhaps when you complete the rest I will feel differently? Who knows...that would require you completing the rest. LOL