Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bringing the tree home...

He had been gone for days, forced by the star trees' rareness to go deeper into the wood than any winter previous. They were fewer these last few years, and harder to find. So with almost no rations remaining, and his will failing, he lucked upon his quarry. Now, after a days walk through the darkness, near blind with exhaustion, he finally sees the fading warmth of his home and his heart lifts. He can almost see the relieved and loving expressions on his wife and child's face, knowing that he has returned to them, and they may survive on the warmth and nourishment of the tree's star for another year.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Sky Diggers...

On a hill, on the edge of the Mire Abyllic, lives a lone Sky Digger; using age old techniques to pull 'Glynt' from the sulfurous clouds that rise from the bottomless chasms' ever-billowing cloud formations.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Daddy... stay home today!

This morning his father gave him the sherrif's badge for safe keeping... 'Just in case'.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Timothy dug too well.. and too deep.

Little Timothy was told by his father to 'Get lost..dig a hole or something'... and being the good boy he is, lilttle Timothy began to dig. But what do little boys find when they dig too deep?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Garden Rat encounters 'Malgrin' the beast...

What goes on in the garden when the humans go to sleep... the rats run the rose thorn roads, trading in goods and rumour. But the hell beast 'Malgrin' roams the fence top causing even the most buried away rat to tremor.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hot chix fighting inferred Zombies!!

I can only be serious for so long.. then I need to draw hot chicks involved in slaying zombies in some manner or other... I apologize for being lazy, so you will have to imagine them surrounded by a horde of the undead... but really... the girls are the most important part anyway.

Die Zombie Die!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

late nights... a second run.

Sometimes things just don't work. I have found that I am guilty of forging forward on a painting even if I know damn well there is something fundamentally flawed with it. In the end, this is never the way to go, but it's a hard pill to swallow to literally wipe your canvas clean and start over. But when the new direction works! It really makes it all worth it.

I decided the lower third of my 'Alleyway' image was just not working, flat and strange... wipe.. delete... re-paint. I hope the new version feels better...  Note, there are no details yet, but it will support a market street, with signs, life and colour... tune in for that update soon!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Chix and Cars and the 3rd World War!!!

Some random sketches from my commute home on the train... girls, guns, and gravity.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Somewhere, up there...

To be honest, I have no idea what is going to happen when I sit down to sketch... sometimes it doesn't work... sometimes it does. And sometimes it flirts with a notion that leads to a place I wouldn't have gone unless I had started the creative process in the first place. Your imagination is only as powerful as a few images. By writing, sketching, or painting; I think you make room for the new, fresh ideas to pour in. So get your stuff out on paper, or you will churn over the same old ideas indefinitely.

Here is what I hope to be the beginning of the upper apartments of my Middle Eastern Alleyway, at least in the sense of scale and form.